Category Archives: virtualization

Install OpenStack Command Line Tools Mac OSX

Howto Install the OpenStack Command Line Tools on Mac OSX

Install home brew from

Install Python with brew

Install OpenStack Stuff

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install python
pip install python-novaclient
brew install pkg-config libffi
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/libffi/3.0.13/lib/pkgconfig/
pip install cffi
pip install python-glanceclient
pip install python-neutronclient
pip install python-heatclient

Download openrc file from openstack dashboard

https://<openstack url> > Projects > Access and Security > API Access > Download Openstack RC file
Run this file, or add a bash function to your .bashrc or .bash_profile depending on what approach you took you’ll need to source whatever file you used. .bashrc .bash_profile

Test command line tools

source ~/.bashrc
nova list
glance image-list
keystone user-list
neutron net-list

OpenVZ VPN TUN/TAP device

First check if the tun module is loaded on the host node

lsmod | grep tun

If not make sure you load it

modprobe tun

Allow your container to use the tun/tap device by running the following commands on the host node. This example would apply for container number 101


vzctl set $CTID --devnodes net/tun:rw --save

vzctl set $CTID --devices c:10:200:rw --save

vzctl set $CTID --capability net_admin:on --save

vzctl exec $CTID mkdir -p /dev/net

vzctl exec $CTID chmod 600 /dev/net/tun

Thats it restart your container and start installing openVPN.

xen missing gpg key

If you get the following error message after installing xen tools and running aptitude update

W: GPG error: etch Release: The following signatures couldn’t be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 841D6D8DFE3F8BB2
W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems

Issue the following command:

wget -q -O- | apt-key add -

This will download the current gpg key from the citrix update server and add the key to apt. You should see an ok message after thats done run

aptitude update The error message should be gone

converting vmware linux virtual machine to citrix xenserver virtual machine

1. Install quemu on the vmware Server or another Linux machine

2. Uninstall vmware modules on the vmware guest you wish to convert

3. Stop the vmware guest

4. Convert the image file qemu-img convert Linux_2.6.x_kernel-flat.vmdk -O raw Debian.img

5. Copy the image file to the xen server with scp or ftp or to an attached storage server if you have one. Your storage uuid will be different: scp Debian.img

6. Create a guest with at least the same disk size and amount of RAM as the imported vmware virtual disk. Rename the disk under properties so you can locate it later.
You may need to boot the guest with an ISO image to get it to work

7. Open a console or connect to the xen server with ssh and find the disk copy the uuid of the host: xe vdi-list or with: xe vdi-list name-label=your_disk_name

8. Import the image with: xe vdi-import uuid=652cc56f-4251-44d0-8f07-dcf219edf15a filename=Debian.img

9. Fire up your converted xen image. You may have to modify the grub boot loader vmware uses /dev/sda for it’s HD and xen uses /dev/hda.

10. If you machine does not boot press e at the grub prompt an search for root=/dev/sda1 line and change it to root=/dev/hda1 please change this in you grub.conf once the machine has booted and save your changes