I received this error message after updating a Confixx Server to Debian Lenny when you try an run the Confixx counter script. This is how to fix the problem:
1. Change into the Confixx Admin directory
cd /root/confixx/admin/CPAN
2. Unpack the updater archive
tar -xzf Updater-1.0.6.tar.gz
3. Change into the directory
cd Updater-1.0.6
4. Then build the updater package
perl Makefile.PL
make install
This lead to a new error:
Can't locate XML/DOM.pm
5. To get rid of these errors you need to install the following packages;
aptitude install libxml-dom-perl libproc-process-perl
Thats it you should be able to run you Confixx Counter script again give it a try:
/root/confixx/confixx_counterscript.pl --dbg --force-all